College life

5 Things to Pack for Study Abroad

When I found out I would be studying abroad in Ireland, I couldn’t believe it. If you had told me a year ago, or even six months, that I would be spending time in a place I had only dreamed of visiting – I probably wouldn’t have believed you. 

The idea of leaving home can be a little daunting (okay, maybe really scary). I’ve never left the United States, so I wanted to make sure I brought the right items, had the right papers, and spent the right amount of money. That meant a lot of research. 


For all the readers about to embark on their new study abroad journeys or for those who will be go in a few years, I’ve compiled the top five essentials for a study abroad trip. These items will ease your worries so you can focus on the more important things on your trip!

Table of Contents

1. A Good Pair of Shoes 

Alright, so this one may seem like a no-brainer. However, you might be surprised – those flats that you loved for years and years may not hold up to your demanding walking schedule while abroad. In fact, plan on days where you might walk ten or more miles!

Style wise, anything goes, but we particularly love these Adidas Stan Smiths which are trending everywhere (especially in Europe), go with everything, and are incredibly comfortable!

Not loving the Stan Smiths? We did a whole article on travel shoes here with some other stylish picks.

I recommend buying these shoes a few weeks in advance, and testing them out around your hometown. That way, you can tell if the shoes give you any troubles – you’d rather find that out sooner than have blisters abroad!

2. A Travel Card

While cash is definitely handy when traveling and visiting little shops, most foreign countries will widely accept Visa and Mastercard. If you already have a debit/credit card with one of these providers, you’re in luck – your card will be handy abroad. 

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