
The 10 Best Stocks To Invest in Right Now

It can be incredibly daunting and challenging choosing which stocks to add to your trading and investing portfolio. This is especially true in 2021, as the Covid-19 pandemic still heavily influences the markets and the way people choose to invest. However, investing in stocks is still one of the best ways to make money, as can be proven by the S&P 500 gaining 20.4% during the first eight months of 2021. 

In September of 2021, the stock market’s trajectory changed, and it experienced its worst month in history, with the index nearly losing 5%. It’s believed that the reasoning behind this loss was stricter monetary policy, increased likelihood of higher interest rates, and Chinese valuation concerns. In addition to this, the GDP growth is expected to be less than economists predicted. 


That’s why it’s more important than ever to invest in stocks that have been proven to be stable with positive trajectory ratings. Fortunately, at present, there are a few stocks that fall into this category. Continue reading if you would like to learn about the 10 best stocks you should consider investing in right now. 

1. Netflix Inc (NASDAQ: NFLX)


It’s incredibly likely that you have heard about or are subscribed to the famed Netflix streaming company. This streaming platform offers consumers subscription-based entertainment services such as movies, documentaries, and television series. 

The company offers different subscription plans according to how many devices you want to use for your Netflix account. They offer these entertainment services in various languages and genres while having a user base that spans 190 countries. 

Over the last decade, Netflix has grown rapidly in part because of its scalable business model. It is believed that Netflix has managed to reach an annual compound growth rate of 27.7%. Additionally, their profit market had increased from 4.3% in 2016 to 18.3% in 2020. 

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