Food and travel

The Best Wine to Pair with Steak

Choosing the perfect steak for your budget with a corresponding bottle of quality wine can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be that way. There are some simple concepts to explore for you to find the match of perfect flavor, with red wine the go-to option for matching with grilled steak (there is a bottle of white wine on this list also).

When pairing steak with wine, tannins are essential to building the right flavor and mouthfeel. Tannins create the drying sensation in your mouth when drinking red wine, and work to contrast the fatty elements while also providing complexity for a leaner, more juicy steak.


Generally speaking, fine tannins create a richer, smoother wine, while rougher tannins create a more bitter, robust type of wine.

It’s also important to know about the various cuts of steak and which ones are best for amplifying the taste experience. Below you’ll find the best wine to have with steak, broken down by the cut of meat, pricing, and varietal type.

What wine goes best with ribeye steak?

Ribeye is a rich and expensive steak cut known for its tenderness but also tremendous marbled fat deposits which add flavor when cooked. It’s considered the ultimate steak for grilling or when dining out.

Pairing ribeye steak or prime rib with a top-quality Cabernet Sauvignon works brilliantly and should be the default option when dining out. High tannins help cut through the juiciness and fattiness of the cut, which makes for an excellent mouthfeel and balance in taste.

A Zinfandel is also an excellent choice to pair with ribeye. The fruitiness of the grape contrasts the ribeye’s robust iron meatiness. There are a low to moderate level of tannins but the wine’s spicy components and complexity help cut through the richness of the meat.


Best Buy

1. Don Melchor Cabernet Sauvignon 2018

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