Tattoo ideas

What Does Anxiety Tattoo Mean?

More people are open about their anxiety issues these days, so it’s not too surprising at all that anxiety tattoos have risen in popularity. What is surprising is just how many different types of anxiety tattoos that are out there right now and how easy it is to get a unique one. On this page we will take a look at why so many people are deciding to get anxiety tattoos these days and some of the designs that look great on the skin.

Really, in most cases anxiety tattoos are all about helping the owner either avoid anxiety or learn to cope with it. It’s one of those tattoos that people want to be able to quickly look at and remember why they got that specific tattoo. If you think about it, there are plenty of tattoos that you can get for these reasons. In fact, you can come up with your own pretty easily since all that matters is what it means to you.


There are many mental health organizations all around the globe and some people like to get those organizations’ logos as their anxiety tattoos. This is a great idea if you happened to be helped by one of those organizations or if you want to spread the word that they exist. This is obviously an easy type of anxiety tat to get designed since you just have to find an image of the logo, show it to your tattoo artist, and get it placed on your skin.

If you want to go with a customized design, you might find that a text tattoo is the best anxiety tattoo for you. What you’ll find is that there are dozens, maybe even hundreds, of different text tattoos that you can use as an anxiety tattoo. Because there are so many options, though, it can be a bit of a challenge settling on just one. The key is to stop on one that really hits home for you and don’t worry about searching for more.

Different variations of the “Never give up” text tattoo are some of the most popular anxiety tattoos out there these days. Obviously this is a great tattoo idea for anyone who has attempted or thought about attempting suicide and who does not want to go down that road again. It’s also a good choice for people who want to get these words inked on their skin to help others who have almost given up on life.

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