Lifestyle & relationships

Relationship Advice for Men: 25 Tips To Make You A Better Partner

Being in a relationship isn’t always as easy as it seems in rom-coms. They miss out huge chunks of reality and all the hard work that goes into a relationship behind the scenes, but who’d want to watch that movie, right? Maybe you’re going through a rough patch or you’re just looking to brush up on your skills, whatever reason you have for being here, I can tell you that you’re already a better partner than you think you are.

1. Work On Your Listening Skills



This might be tough if you’re a talker like me but it’s important to be able to listen to your partner to be able to meet their needs and wants. If you can’t listen to what your other half is asking from you, how can you be the partner they deserve?

When your partner comes to you with something important to say while you’re in the middle of something, it can be easy to only give them half your attention as it seems better than not listening at all. FYI – it’s not. Instead, gently tell them that you want to be able to give them your full attention, and when you’ve mentally distanced yourself from whatever you’re doing, they’ll have exactly that.

2. Turn Up the Romance


Remember the little acts of love that you did at the start of your relationship? Bring them back. The honeymoon stage doesn’t have to be over. They may be small gestures, but they mean a hell of a lot.

Being romantic can be anything from surprising them with their favorite flowers to booking a spontaneous mini-break. It could even be leaving a post-it note on the fridge that says “I love you” before you leave for work.

3. Ask Your Partner if They’re Any Areas in Your Relationship That They Think You Could Work On


Going directly to the source and asking your other half if there’s anything that you could work on is one of the most effective ways to become a better partner as it stops it from becoming a guessing game. You might think that you need to work on being more romantic when your partner thinks it’s one of the things that you do best.

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