Hair color

25 Coolest Red Hairstyles For Men Blowin’ Up Right Now

Red hair on men is rare, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be styled attractively! Many haircuts are flattering on redheads. The most important thing to remember when wearing your natural red is to get a cut that suits your facial structure. 

Keep reading for the best cuts, a few facts, and crucial things to remember about red hair in men.



Facts About Red Hair in Men 

  1. People with red hair are more likely to be sensitive to pain due to the gene mutation MC1R, which causes red hair. It is also the gene that affects pain receptors.
  2. Redhead men commonly have brown eyes. They are the least likely group to have blue eyes, so the red hair and blue eyes combination are rare but beautiful! 
  3. A study published by the British Journal of Cancer suggests that men with red hair are 54% less likely to develop prostate cancer than men in the same demographic range who have brown or blonde hair. 
  4. Most redheaded people, including men, actually have fewer hair strands than the average person. Red hair tends to be thicker, which makes it appear just as full as blondes or brunettes. 
  5. Redheaded people do not usually go gray. Gray comes from losing pigment over time, so when redheads lose hair pigmentation they usually go blonde or white. 
  6. Worldwide, only about 2% of people have red hair. The highest concentration of redheaded people exists in Scotland, where about 13% of the population has red hair.


Red Hair Men’s Hairstyles

Let’s explore the below men’s red hair hairstyles to see which ones stand out and look the best to you. You can definitely find a style that appeals to you and the people in your life in this group.

1. Thick Brushing Forehead Style

Let’s start with this classic 60s retro hairstyle. It can be seen in a lot of famous men with red hair. The hair is quite thick and long, and it goes down to brush the forehead without covering it entirely. It’s a little casual and messy for a natural look.

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