Men's fashion guides

The Best Hawaiian Shirts To Buy In 2022

The Hawaiian shirt (or Aloha shirt, to use its proper name) has had more resurgences than Tom Selleck has enjoyed Cuban cigars. Since it’s birth in the 30s, it’s dipped in and out of fashion like a brightly colored yo-yo. But still we keep coming back to it for one simple reason: wearing a Hawaiian shirt is liberating.

Yes, it’s something beer-bellied dads wear at BBQs to camouflage their sweat patches, but it’s so much more than that, too. Hawaiian shirts tell the world, in no uncertain terms, that you don’t give a damn what it thinks. It’s the sartorial equivalent of singing along to your headphones in public. A flowery middle finger to the suited-and-booted menswear masses.


On screen it’s been worn by rebels as diverse as Scarface and Ace Ventura. There’s Christian Slater in True Romance, Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing, Leonardo DiCaprio in Romeo + Juliet. Elvis Presley loved them too, of course. The style is not as evergreen or easy to wear as an Oxford shirt, say, but it’s a hell of a lot more memorable.

What Is A Hawaiian Shirt?

A Hawaiian shirt can be loosely defined as any short-sleeved shirt bearing a colorful, usually floral, all-over print. However, there are a few caveats.

First of all, the print should be at least vaguely tropical in some sense. That means a big yes to hibiscus and palm trees, and a resounding no to skulls and flames. Sorry, Givenchy.

The collar is also a dead giveaway. Camp (or Cuban, or revere, or open, or whatever you want to call them) collars are the most common style found on Hawaiian shirts, but classic collars do still count.

As for the cut, traditionally, it should be loose and relaxed. But times have changed and more fitted styles are more widely available now too.

How To Wear A Hawaiian Shirt

For all its cheerful, IDGAF charm, Hawaiian shirts are a notoriously tricky garment to make work as part of an outfit. But not if you’re a professional stylist. Which is why we tapped up SartoriaLab’s Sarah Gilfillan for some insider tips on how to wear this colourful classic.

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