Tattoos with meaning

What Does Tree Tattoo Mean?

Trees are often viewed as being a symbol of life and strength. They are one of the most symbolic types of tattoos out there, which is why they also happen to be extremely popular. Rarely are two tree tattoos the same, so they are also considered to be very personal tattoos while also being the type that people don’t mind showing to others.

The tree tattoo meaning used typically varies based on the type of tree selected, so that will be a major part of your decision when you’re thinking about getting one of these tattoos. You’ll also want to think about how large you want your tattoo to be and which one of the many tree tattoo meanings you want to attach to it.


On this page, we will take a look at many of the most popular tree tattoo designs and why they have remained so popular over the years. You will also learn about many of the tree tattoo meanings that people use so you can decide if this is the type of tattoo that you should get.

Tree Tattoo Meaning

Although each tree type has its own symbolism, the tree in general symbolizes rejuvenation, regeneration and life. This meaning is derived from the life cycle of a tree. In spring the tree begins to grow flowers and leaves, in the summer the tree is in full bloom, in the fall the leaves begin to change color and fall to earth and come winter the leaves are gone and the tree is left bare. Once spring arrives the cycle begins anew. This is representative of the “circle of life”.

The circle of life tree tattoo meaning is the most common of all. Someone who uses this meaning can look at their tattoo to remind themselves that there’s always something new around the corner. No matter how bad their day has done, they can look at their tree tattoo and know that better times are ahead. It is a very motivational tattoo design in most cases and one that the owner can look at to raise their mood a bit.

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