Style & tattoo ideas

Top 31 DNA Tattoo Ideas – [2021 Inspiration Guide]

Tattoos provide an intensely satisfying mechanism for celebrating the experience of being alive. As a result, DNA tattoos are a natural evolution of these artistically sublime expressions of humanity.

To celebrate life and science in tandem, no ink can compete with a DNA tattoo.


By permanently displaying the 20th century discovery of James Watson and Francis Crick, guys can enter an elite club consisting of the greatest minds who have ever lived.

Most DNA ink includes some iteration of the double-helix structure. All of the chromosomes are available for depiction, and the comprehensiveness depends directly on personal inclinations. Colors are not typically required for these tats, so guys can get stellar black-and-white artwork with no hassle or commitment to multiple sessions. As an alternative, some wise fellows get the code itself in-scripted.

Some DNA tattoos are also a discreet tribute to LSD, since the biologist and physicist were purportedly under the influence of hallucinogenic compounds when they made their ground-breaking observations. Whether you are rejoicing about science or substances, this kind of ink will be perfect for your external vibe at all times.

Check out the litany of striking tattoos we’ve compiled in this collection:

1. Tree DNA Tattoos

DNA is one of the most versatile things in the universe and tree DNA tattoos are no exception. Whether you’re looking to incorporate the two images together or use the foundation of a tree for DNA to grow off of, there are a variety of designs to consider. Will the DNA extend from the roots and tree branches? Or will the trunk twist like a double helix?

The last piece shown is an especially phenomenal interpretation, assimilating the woodwork of the tree into the structure of the DNA molecule. The subtlety of the second piece is also remarkably crafted. And don’t be afraid of adding a rainbow of colors! DNA has a naturally winding and meandering appearance, making it ideal for imagery of branches and roots, so you can explore different images with your artist depending on their own personal style. 

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