
Pregnancy Stages: Fetus Development, Symptoms & Phases

Congratulations, you are pregnant! Pregnancy is a gift given by God to every woman. After getting pregnant there are so much changes occurs in life as well as in your body. Obviously, now you are on the way to enter a journey of parenthood. Most of the women, in their first pregnancy are very much scared as well as worried because they don’t know about the journey of pregnancy. Hence, today in this article we are telling you about pregnancy stages.

Here, in this article we guide you about the pregnancy stages. All of you know that pregnancy is of 9 months, but what happened in that 9 month with you as well as you baby. The pregnancy are categorized in three trimester, they are;

  • First Trimester (week 1- week 12) First 3 Months.
  • Second Trimester (week 13 – week 28) 4th to 6th Month.
  • Third Trimester ( week 29 – 40) 7th to 9th month

Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, counting from the first day of your last normal period. If you want to know that what happened to you and with your baby during these 9 month, then read this article carefully. After knowing all the information about the pregnancy stages then you will also know that what happens with you and when. Therefore, you can enjoy your pregnancy.

The Stages of Pregnancy From Beginning to Ending:

1. The First Trimester: (Week 1 to Week 12)

This is a starting of your pregnancy. For several women, body image is an enormous concern for the period of pregnancy. The first trimester is a period of most important development for your fetus and of deep physical as well as emotional changes for you. You may understand that you are pregnant straight away; on the other hand many women will not recognize that, they are pregnant till at least week four or five. This is one of the aims why women are stimulated to plan for pregnancy.

Throughout the first trimester of your pregnancy, your body is experiencing intense changes. Physically you may knowledge symptoms for the duration of the first trimester such as fatigue, occurrence of urination, nausea and breast variations. Hormonal alterations disrupt closely every organ system in your body. These variations can activate symptoms even in the very main weeks of pregnancy. Your period stopping is a clear sign that you are pregnant. Other deviations may include:

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