Men's style

Practical Fashion – Going Out In Style

Drinking & Dressing

Sometimes, being into men’s fashion can be a real pain. Whether it’s slowly becoming more and more obsessed with the way your clothes fit, a steady lean towards luxurious fabrics or a body shape that just doesn’t match off-the-peg tailoring, things really start to take their sartorial toll.

After spending a few years immersed in the menswear community you may find yourself realising that, in certain situations, being the best dressed man in the room can actually be more trouble than it’s worth. And by trouble, I mean a rather large dry cleaning bill.


Because when I go out in the evenings, I like to have a good time. I’m no stranger to alcohol spills, burger sauce stains and the occasional ‘stacking it outside the club’ moment. And let me tell you from first-hand experience, these situations and high quality clothing do not mix. Yet I just can’t bring myself to compromise on either of these activities.

Which raises the following question: is it possible to drink and dress well at the same time without spending even more of your hard-earned cash? I believe the answer is a firm yes, but only when you strike a comfortable balance – which we will look to try and achieve today.

Practical & Stylish

But first, let me clarify a few things. You don’t have to be a borderline alcoholic (like me, apparently) to benefit from this article. Even teetotal men run the risk of experiencing these sartorial-based horrors when they head out into the night.

After all, drunk people are everywhere and they are crazy, clumsy and chaotic! Accidents are bound to happen and they will happen to you. So, what can you do to soften the blow? Well, I’m glad you asked…

1. Don’t Be So Precious

A motto for life: try not to take yourself too seriously. If you do end up wearing your fanciest clothes to a club, then except that something may go awry. Take it on the chin and visit your dry cleaner the next morning guilt-free.

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