Men's style

Practical Fashion – Going Out In Style

Your environment will help set the tone for what you wear. For example, if you’re heading to an establishment that won’t let you in wearing trainers, why not step it up a little bit? Add a pair of penny loafers and a soft shouldered blazer to your usual jeans and t-shirt combination for an instant upgrade.

The same principle works when going to the pub with your mates. Think of all the needless banter, shots and drink spiking (no, just me?) that could be avoided if you just decided that chinos and a chambray/flannel shirt were a better idea than a full-blown Glen plaid double-breasted suit.

Final Word

So there you have it, a few tips that I’ve learned on how to go out in style without ruining your best clothes and/or creating huge dry cleaning bills.

Obviously, these techniques may not be for everyone so I’d love to hear what you think. What do you wear when you go out for the evening? Do you prefer casual and confident or elegant and refined? What top tips do you have to share with us?

Let me know in the comments section below…

Matt Allinson

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