Beauty and hair

What’s Good for Razor Burn? We Have the Answer.

There’s nothing that says summer like a warm breeze, kids laughing, waves crashing, and razor burn. Wait… razor burn? Yes, sadly when it comes to summer, shaving is a common practice and along with it comes razor burn. Not only does razor burn hurt, but without proper treatment it can end up leaving unsightly bumps. UGH.

Today, I’m showing you how to deal with this common summer beauty woe. 


If you want to prevent razor burn from happening or to treat existing razor burn, keep on reading! I’ll explain how to prevent razor burn and what’s good for razor burn if you do end up with some.

Table of Contents

How to Prevent Razor Burn:

Before I discuss the remedies that will treat razor burn, I think it’s important that we talk a little bit about prevention. In fact, understanding how to properly shave is a key factor to prevent razor burn

Here’s a rundown of proper shaving technique:

  • Exfoliate your skin prior to shaving to prevent ingrown hairs from growing 
  • Always make sure to apply shaving cream or soap before you shave — do not shave dry or with just water!
  • Shave in the direction that your hair is growing (shaving the opposite way can give you a closer shave, but it can also cause razor burn, so if you’re prone to razor burn, try shaving with the hair direction only)
  • Make sure to not pull at your skin tightly when shaving
  • Regularly change your razor or blades, a dull blade is more dangerous than a sharp one and a razor or blade that is clogged with dirt won’t shave well 
  • If all else fails, try using an electric razor or different hair removal method — such as hair removal cream or waxing. A different method might work better for your skin

How to Treat Razor Burn – Razor Burn Remedies:

If you’re wondering what’s good for razor burn, here are some tried and tested remedies to help get rid of razor burn or at the very least improve its appearance:

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