
Palm Astrology (Palmistry) – How to Read Hand Lines for Beginners?

Hand astrology or palmistry is an ancient science that deals with future forecasting by studying the lines on the palms, the shape of hands, nails and other minute details. Given below are the types of each kind.

Hand Reading Astrology:

Cross my palm with silver, and I will tell you your destiny. Most stories and novellas with a gypsy influence will have a gypsy woman with the sixth sense uttering these very words to read your palm and tell your fortune. Shunned in the Middle Ages by the Catholic Church as a pagan superstition, Palm astrology or Palmistry(1) or Chiromancy is the art of foretelling the future by studying the palm and its markings.


The most significant scriptures of palmistry come from sage Valmiki in the east and scholar Aristotle who made Alexander assess the character of his men with their palms. He had once famously said that every line on our hand is due to a predetermined reason that influences our individuality. Sounds interesting? Then read on.

Which Hand To Reading in Astrology?

We have two palms, and according to palmistry, one of them is our dominant hand. By dominant hand, one means that the person writes with this hand. This represents the individual’s conscious hand. The other hand is considered the subconscious palm. In some variations of traditional palmistry, the other hand carries hereditary traits or even past life karma.

Customarily, the left palm is the potential that we are born with, while the right palm is the personality that we are set to realize. This can more commonly be translated as saying that the left is our past and the right is our future. Some even say that the right palm is more significant if the subject is male and the left palm if the subject is female.

Hands of the Air sign are supposed to be square, offset by rectangular palms and longish fingers. They are said to have dry, scaly or rough skin, and are generally crude in appearance. The shape of the palm is long, but the length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers. People who have Air hands are said to be very intellectual, curious and inventive. They are introverts and prone to stress and anxiety. They have difficulty in relationships.

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