
All About Body Modification Implants

The term ‘body modification’ can have mysterious and scary connotations for people with no personal interest or experience in the subject. This way, it can be easy to judge or misrepresent its participants and practitioners. But in actuality, modification on the body requires immense participation in culture and tradition which transverse class, race, profession, human history, and a lot more.


According to the normal person, the term, “body modification” implies changing one’s physical appearance intentionally. Generally, people assume that this term applies to piercing and tattooing practices or more than that means to practice personal branding and scarification modification. We have to see society’s current manifestation and thus able to see that all of us are engaged in some type of body modding in one way or the other. Let’s take an example to clarify the situation like we hardly see a woman nowadays who doesn’t have her ears pierced. Ear piercing is one of the most dedicated, long-term, bounded, and committed types of body modification, whereas bodybuilding is not often even acknowledged to be so. However, in the current scenario surgical body modification has become remarkably common among people especially celebrities. Surgical body modification is a form of cosmetic surgery now. This is considered great so long as the procedure goes well and nothing went wrong, also if it’s within the socially accepted standard of beauty and acceptability.

Since time immemorial, most humans or groups have gone to the extent to modify their bodies according to their taste, looks, requirements. In every group of humans in known and recorded history, there have been members who modified their bodies. The logic behind their preferences and choices differ extensively, not outside but even within a private society. Social status, group associations, situations, trends, resources, and wealth are displayed with jewelry and accessories in many cultures and societies all over the world. In some parts, more profound purposes are behind the perforations, scars, and tattoos they wear. Rites of passage completed are denoted by scarrings all over the face and body of some African productions. Here piercing is painfully administered by the expert hand of an elder, patriarch, or religious leader; the discomfort is bravely taken by the new initiate, and the marks diminished boastfully ever after. In some groups of people in India and Southeast Asia, genital modifications are endeavored by artists and devotees of the arts of love as solicited and favored by their partners. However, there are aesthetic reasons too in almost every culture to modify their bodies purely for beautification and adornment purposes and this is demanded by both sexes and all genders. They usually put an effort to accept the goals and strive for human perfection in their culture and society.

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