Fashion tips

6 Habits of Highly Fashionable People

Anyone can know the hottest labels and trends. Anyone with money can buy them. Owning fancy “it” brand pieces can get you a few Instagram-worthy photos, but having genuine style takes a little more. 

What is it about the highly fashionable that makes style seem so effortless? They always look fabulous, but never seem to be trying too hard. They combine clothes in ways you never even considered. They wear outfits that you could never pull off… Except you can. 


To help you get started, we’ve pulled together six habits that all stylish people share, and it’s really easier than you think.

Table of Contents

1. They own what they’re wearing.

Ultra-stylish people are always confident with what they’re wearing. Even if they realize, in the middle of the day, that their top really clashes with their skirt, or that their dress is on backwards, they’ll own it. Mistakes can come off as fashion statements, and simple outfits can come off as great ones. 

Confidence really is key. It make you and anything you’re wearing look ten times as cool.

2. They don’t shy away from any store.

Whether it’s Salvation Army or Neiman’s, stylish people never think they’re “too cool” or “not fancy enough” for any store. The fashionable can work great pieces from anywhere, without any snobbery. 

If the store is on the higher end of the spectrum, maybe they can’t afford anything (we’ve all been there!), but they’ll browse like they belong there because it never hurts to draw inspiration.

3. They dress for themselves.

It may seem a little contradictory, but the most stylish people don’t dress to be considered stylish

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