Men's style

9 Of The Most Expensive Menswear Pieces Ever Made

Runways are aspirational. If they’re not influencing fast fashion retailers, they make us scrimp and save for that one designer piece, be it a backpack, pocket square or jacket.

But what if money was no object? Some brands seek out the uber-wealthy, those that buy into exclusivity: to them, two grand on a holdall is mere lunch money. But there’s little point in purchasing if any old pleb can buy it.


To satisfy these tastes, you need a certain breed of more-is-more designer, who create Midas-ready wares that are more about tax avoidance than taste.

Fortune Favours The Gold

In a bid to woo women (and one that cost him around £200k), Mr Datta Phuge commissioned a shirt made entirely out of gold. And it took 15 goldsmiths two weeks, working 16 hours a day, to complete.

The garish piece did quite the opposite though. He was killed by a gang over a money dispute, soon after posing for publicity shots with his new trophy. Let this be a lesson: Tinder is free.

Jean Wilder

Quality jeans need to be durable, comfortable, versatile and diamond-encrusted. Sorry, what?

Secret Circus, a brand with an inkling for bling, has created a pair of denims that stand at a whopping $1.3 million. All because the back pockets and legs are bejewelled with diamonds, emeralds and rubies. We’ll stick to Levi’s, thanks.

Smarty Pants

Third date territory calls for more than multipack purchase pants. That said, woven boxer shorts from Hermès are not designed for heated tugs of passion.

For $500, you’d perhaps expect a self-warming function. Or perhaps even to be self-cleaning or self-fastening. Not merely comfortable. It’s a plain underwear rip off (and not in a good way).

Fashion Thrilla

The world’s most expensive coat wasn’t from the house of Balmain, Versace or Prada, but the Neverland Ranch.

Michael Jackson’s iconic Thriller jacket went for a cool $1.8 million in a private auction, hopefully to someone who knows the dance routine by heart.

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