Hair advice

9 Influencers About 1 Hair Product They Repurchase

We asked 9 beauty and fashion influencers to review only ONE hair product they literally can’t live without. “Sounds like an article I would love reading myself and can’t wait to see what the other responses are!”, said Jenny Welbourn, our first heroine.

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#1: Jenny Welbourn – Amika Brooklyn Blowout Spray

“I use the Amika Brooklyn Blowout Spray religiously! It’s vegan and cruelty-free. I was never a huge hair product girl, usually just using a heat protectant because of years of dabbling around with awful products that made my hair sticky, stiff, and never really did what they said! When I tried this spray out I was immediately sold, and actually keep it stocked on my shelves so I never run out (I’ve probably re-purchased at least 8 times). So here is why I love it: it gives my hair the perfect volume without feeling like I have in any product at all. I like to keep things simple and this single product does so much for me. I noticed a complete difference the first time I used it and started getting so many compliments on my hair afterwards. It also gives a nice hold when styling hair and also helps strengthen and repair! Overall, it just makes my hair feel pretty and thick which I love.”

#2: Amy Witham – INECTO Naturals Coconut Hair Oil

“My favorite hair product is INECTO Naturals Coconut Hair Oil. I always use a pea-sized amount to wet or towel-dried hair before blow-drying to get rid of frizziness. Coconut oil makes my hair super soft and shiny. And it’s much easier to use, when in a form of spray. Also, I use INECTO’s coconut oil before I create in depth braids or hairstyles, as it makes my hair more manageable. Needless to say, it smells amazing and I recommend giving this brand a try, especially if your hair is dry and frizzy.”

#3: Olivia Smalley – Joico Body Shake

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