Health & wellness

How to Increase Height Naturally after Puberty?

Stunted height can be a real let down especially when you are the only one amongst your friends battling for recognition. How many times have you been made fun of about your height? Well, there is a common misconception that you really cannot grow in height after a certain age, especially after puberty. However, we have your rescue! We’ll tell you some of the best ways to increase your height. The simple to do ones are aimed at making your whole exercise an easy job. Try your hands at these stretching exercises to grow taller after puberty.


Height increase after puberty is actually possible. The mechanics is simple. The exercises will merely stretch your muscles. Typically, we grow at least 5 to 20 centimeters taller or may be even slightly taller after puberty. A good diet and routine exercise is adequate to reach your target. Here’s how to do it.

1. Hang About:

A lot of people as turned their back on the easiest of the methods just to chemically have a physical change. They have inserted serums in their system and popped in a pill or two every time waiting for the change to finally occur. However, a high rod and some morning hanging is all that you would need to see final results for yourself. The hang technique is a scientifically proven method when you hang by your hands from a sturdy rod and the feet which should be a foot away from the ground should deliberately try to touch the ground.

2. Cycle Away Your Worries:

So, what are you thinking to do this weekend? Nothing in head? We’ll tell you what you what you could do. An early morning jog could be replaced with a cycle run from one side to the other. Cycling is a good way to increase your height where your legs go through a very strenuous workout session. Amongst the blood flow and the muscle pains, you would notice yourself go a little higher every time you measure yourself.

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