Health & wellness

Quick And Natural Home Remedies To Treat Pain Caused By Gout

Did you know that gout is a form of arthritis? Yes, it is the most severe and complex form of arthritis that is the result of the formation of excess uric acid in your blood. It is the most common issue prevailing among anyone above 30 that mostly affects men. Joints and big toe are the most affected as the body deposits uric acid in these areas. So, if you are suffering from gout, its time to check out this article to know how home remedies for gout help you out!


What Causes Gout:

The main reason gout occurs is by the production of excess uric acid that your kidney fails to pass out.This results in the crystalization of uric acid in your joints, thereby causing inflammation. Other factors also contribute to the risks of getting affected by gout. (1)

  • Hereditary.
  • Consumption of seafood, red meat that are rich in uric acid.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Chronic kidney problems.
  • Obesity.
  • Alcohol consumption in excess.

Symptoms Of Gout:

Unbearable pain is one of the primary symptoms of gout that make you feel like your joints are on fire. Some of the other symptoms include:

  • Joints feel tender.
  • Swelling
  • Glossy skin that causes pain when you touch it.
  • Affected joints feel hot and prickly.

Prevention Of Gout:

Making changes in your diet can make a lot of difference along with medication. It can be achieved by reducing the amount of uric acid you intake. (2)

  • Maintain a healthy BMI.
  • Avoid foods that are high in sugar, fat, and alcohol.
  • Start working out to reduce weight.
  • Avoid excess consumption of red meat, seafood that are abundant in uric acid.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Simple And Quick Home Remedies For Gout:

Though there are no remedies that directly affect gout, they help you in maintaining a healthy weight and reduce others, thereby reducing the chances of the overproduction of uric acid.

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