Health & wellness

9 Effective Home Remedies For Treating Fatty Liver Naturally

Have you been diagnosed with Fatty Liver? Wondering what is it and what are its consequences? Well, you are at the right place! Fatty Liver disease, as the term says, is having more fat deposits than normal levels in your liver. The problem happens over a period of time and, when neglected, can lead to serious health problems. Thankfully, there are many fatty liver home remedies which can reverse the condition and reduce the risks associated with the disease.

Before we learn about these home remedies for fatty liver, let us first understand what fatty liver is, its associated risks, grades and other important information.


What is Fatty Liver?

Fatty Liver, also called Hepatic Steatosis, is a condition in which there is an excess fat buildup on the liver. These deposits interfere with the normal functioning of the liver and slow down the production of insulin or bile needed for the body. In extreme cases, your liver can undergo permanent scarring and, eventually, liver failure, leading to a life-threatening and irreversible condition called Liver Cirrhosis.

What are the Two Types of Fatty Liver Disease?

There are two types of Fatty Liver disease -Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease.

1. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFD):

This is a condition in which fatty liver doesn’t happen because of alcohol. NAFD can be of two types – Simple Fatty Liver, in which the fat accumulation is harmless and Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), in which the Liver inflammation can lead to Cirrhosis or Cancer.

2. Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease:

This condition is also called Alcoholic steatohepatitis, in which the primary reason for Fatty Liver is the consumption of excessive alcohol. In the process of breaking down the alcohol in the body, toxic substances are released, which damage the liver cells and cause inflammation.

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