Men's lifestyle

Home Workouts That Build Your Whole Body With Just A Dumbbell

These days, the range of fitness equipment designed for use in your very own living room is staggering. Want to work on mobility? Go for a yoga mat. Got a bit of space? Here’s some kettlebells. Want to mix it up? How about a TRX rig? Want to really mix it up? How about an Indian club to swing around?

All of which is great, but really, honestly, do you need it all? We would argue that you don’t. Because, you see, there is an easier way. It isn’t fancy. It isn’t anything new. But it does get results. With a pair of simple, frills-free dumbbells you can pretty much train any part of your body for any goal any time, anywhere. Not only that, but you aren’t at risk of knocking your partner or flatmate unconscious with a wayward kettlebell, either.


To help you upgrade your at-home arsenal, we muscled some of the best trainers around into breaking down how the humble dumbbell can help build you up in no time at all with quick and effective home workouts.

Aren’t Dumbbells Only Good For Big Arms?

No. “Dumbbells are one of the most versatile pieces of kits you can own,” explains James Castle-Mason, PT extraordinaire at London’s Roar Fitness. “There is a huge number of resistance exercises that can be done using a simple set of dumbbells, other than just some bicep curls. In fact, you can work your entire body with just a set of dumbbells if you know what movements to do.

“The great thing about dumbbells is that they take up little room, you don’t need space for gym equipment. They’re adjustable, meaning you’re not lifting the same weights over and over, you can make them heavier based on how strong you’re getting or how experienced you are. They’re also very cost effective.”

Tim Hayes, founder of the Peach fitness app, also backs the ‘bells. “Dumbbell workouts are great to easily add resistance to any work out. My biggest advice is to let go of the ego, and focus on your form; walk into any heavy weights section of any gym, and you’ll see lots of people trying to lift a weight that is far too heavy for them. This is only detrimental – Train your muscles not your ego.”

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