Fashion tips

The Evolution of My High School Style

Four years ago, a naïve high school freshman, clad in (gasp!) low-rise jeans and flats, discovered her first pair of high-waisted shorts, and her life was never the same. That freshman was me.

Flash forward four years, and now I write for College Fashion and I’m on my way to study fashion in college. So, how did this happen? Let me take you on a journey…


Table of Contents

Freshman Year

  Product Information: Shirt, Jeans, Scarf, Cardigan, Flats

My closet freshman year was pretty much filled with 20 versions of the same outfit. I like to refer to this time in my life as B.H.W, or “Before High-Waists.” Like a cartoon character, I wore flats, skinny jeans, and a v-neck almost every day. When it got chilly, I added a cardigan or a scarf. When I ran out of cardigans or scarves I hadn’t worn lately, I borrowed them from my best friend.

While I’m sure we can all appreciate a good v-neck or pair of flats, this repetitive and trend-less outfit is not the epitome of a fashion icon.

The Lesson to Take to College:

Your best friend is a great source for clothes! When my best friend and I went to different high schools, we stayed close by sharing clothes. It doubled both of our closets, and when one of us went shopping we both got new clothes. Pretty sweet deal right?

Since you’ll have friends living in the same building as you, sharing clothes is that much easier. Oh, and bonus lesson? If you’re going to wear flats every day, own more than one pair so they don’t get scuffed beyond wear in a matter of weeks.

Sophomore Year

  Product Information: Shirt, Jeans, Backpack, Gold Rings, Silver Rings, Shoes

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