
Best Tips For Hair Wash Properly

3. Don’t Rubbing The Hair Harshly:

Since, we are talking about hair care, rubbing is a prime issue. One should never rub the hair harshly. This can increase or boost the process of hair fall and can damage the hair just like pollution and bad chemicals do. Rub the hair gently with the help of a proper cloth, to keep it smooth and strong.


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4. Use Hair Serums Or Potions, For Soft And Manageable Hair:

If you prefer using hair serums, potions and leave-in conditioners, it is advisable to use it on half dry hair. The product is nicely absorbed by the hair shafts detangling and making hair softer and shinier.

5. Conditioning The Right Way:

Hair conditioner detangles hair, seals the cuticles and makes them manageable. Conditioner is meant for Hair and not scalp. Do you know how to apply conditioner for hair to get best results, here it is ,taking desirable amount of conditioner onto the palm and running from along ear line hair downwards. Conditioner is first rinsed out with lukewarm water and then cold water.

There are variety of conditioners in the market, for Hair needs like to add shine, to detangle and extra nourishment for damaged ends. Never skip conditioning as dry ends may split up and hair may turn frizzy.

6. How To Comb Your Hair:

Combing Wet Hair is a sin. It leads to hair fall and damages the cuticles resulting into split ends. It is advisable to brush your hair before stepping in for hair wash. And using a wide toothed comb for detangling, air dried hair. Combing your hair also lead to circulation of blood, enhancing hair growth. Never over comb or brush your hair, it will only scratch the scalp. Ideal times for combing hair is twice or thrice every day. Always keep your Combs and brushes clean to avoid scalp infections and dandruff.

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