
Dark Lips to Pink Lips – Remedies, Tips, and More!

Pink lips enrich your smile and exceptionally enhance the beauty of your face. But is it easy to turn your dry, chapped lips into supple pink lips? Of course, yes! You have to know how to protect your lips from pollution, harsh weather, and cosmetics that cause pigmentation. Here are six must-try home remedies for pink lips with five fab tips and six superfoods, specially compiled for easy steps. So stay here on this page to know secrets on how to turn your dark lips to pink.


What Stops You From Having Pink Lips?

Like you already know, facial skin is sensitive, but did you know that the skin on lips is the most sensitive of all? This is because the skin layer on your lips is thin, delicate, and is prone to damage very quickly. Right from dehydration, which occurs due to less intake of water or liquids in your daily diet, to massive exposure to heat, pollution, harsh weather, and stress can cause your lips to dry and chap. So if you are facing this depressing problem, then “How can I make my lips pink?” is the constant question bothering you every day. Well! Your worry ends here. You will find your answers just below. Read on…

The answer to ‘how to make your lips pink naturally?’ is right here!

5 Fabulous Tips to Supple Pink Lips:

1. Exfoliate:

Exfoliation helps remove the dead skin cells on your lips and make them look fresh and rejuvenated. Use natural scrubs like ‘sugar with honey’ or ‘turmeric with milk’ or ‘lemon juice with sugar’ or ‘crushed strawberry.’ To exfoliate, mix the scrub ingredients based on which scrub you choose and gently massage the scrub mixture onto your lips with your fingertips. After scrubbing for a minute or two, rinse with water. You can do this twice a week or once in two days based on how dry your lips are. Exfoliate regularly, and you can get pink lips naturally in 15 days.

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