
30 Extreme Hobbies Every Man Should Try

See more about The 75 Best Outdoor Hobbies For Men

11. Sand Surfing

Josh Spencer, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Sometimes referred to as sandboarding, sand surfing is a sport that involves riding down sand dunes while strapped to a board similar to a snowboard or surfboard. It hasn’t totally caught on as a mainstream hobby, but the folks who are into it are very into it. 

Most of the best sand surfing spots in the US are in desert areas in the Southwest, where there are some massive dunes to board down. There are also great places to sand surf on both coasts, and even in areas around the Great Lakes. 

12. Hang Gliding

Gliding through the air beneath what amounts to a giant kite is perhaps the most peaceful and freeing of all extreme sports. It’s truly a unique experience that can only be described by those who have done it. 

Hang gliding essentially involves launching yourself and the non-motorized glider you’re harnessed in off a high point using only foot power. The trick is launching into the wind for proper takeoff. Otherwise, you’re in deep trouble.

13. Cave Exploring

The world that lies beneath our feet beckons to be explored. For those who heed that call, it often goes far beyond a hobby and becomes a full-blown obsession. Caving is serious business. 

A lot of that has to do with the risks involved. While some caves are well-trodden and popular among novice explorers, most have dangerous passages with all manner of obstacles. There are risks of becoming lost, getting stuck, drowning, and all manner of other potential hazards. Still, who wouldn’t want to discover this world that few ever see?

14. Body Surfing

Body surfing is pretty much what it sounds like – surfing without a surfboard, using only your own body to ride the waves. It’s actually a much older sport than board surfing, most likely originating in Polynesia thousands of years ago. 

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