DietHealth & wellness

GM Diet Day 2 Meal Plan: Way to Lose Excess Weight with Vegetables

The 7-Day GM Diet Plan aims to help you reduce a significant amount of weight (up to 6.5 kgs) in just one week. Each day is dedicated to eating foods from a particular food group that are low in calories and high in dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates etc. In this article, we shall learn about the planning and preparation needed for GM Diet Plan – Day 2.

As you read along, you will understand about the foods to eat, foods to avoid, sample meal plan, exercises etc. Also, get to know what you can expect by the end of Day 2 in a GM Diet program.



How to Prepare Your Body for GM Diet Day 2?

GM Diet Day 2 Sample Meal Plan

GM Diet Day 2 Exercises

Foods to Avoid on GM Diet Day 2

Why this Works?

How Will you Feel at the End of GM Diet Day 2?


How to Prepare Your Body for GM Diet – Day 2?

The preparation for GM Diet – Day 2 starts on the 1st Day of the program, which is all about consuming fruits. So, make sure you follow all the rules and regulations of the diet to keep yourself active and light. Also, don’t forget to drink the recommended amount of 8-10 glasses of water to stay hydrated.

Coming to Day 2, you will be required to consume a strict vegetable diet that can be eaten raw, baked or boiled. This way, your body will get a healthy dose of starch, fiber and carbohydrates to stay energized. So stock up on a variety of vegetables to get started!

NOTE: You are not allowed to add more than add a drop or two of olive oil or butter to cook your vegetables.

GM Diet – Day 2 Meal Plan:

The 2nd day of GM Diet comprises of eating just vegetables. You can eat any variety except peas, corn and beans. Also, include plenty of fresh green leafy vegetables for added benefits. To try the Indian version of GM Diet – Day 2, you can replace exotic veggies like lettuce, broccoli etc., with locally available varieties like Cabbage, Cauliflower etc.

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