
30 Extreme Hobbies Every Man Should Try

4. Running of the Bulls

You’ve seen the videos. Bulls are let loose on a city street, and people run away. A few of them may take a horn to the groin. What could be more fun! 


Running with bulls – or, more accurately, running away from bulls – is a tradition in Spain that dates back to the 14th century. The most famous example is the encierro, which takes place every year in Pamplona as part of the festival of Sanfermines, but similar events are held in Portugal, France, and Mexico. 

5. Hot Pepper Eating


Don’t think eating hot peppers qualify as extreme? Tell that to this guy. There’s a whole culture around eating hot peppers, and for those who truly enjoy eating the spiciest foods imaginable, it can be not only fun but also community-building. 

For the heat-obsessed, the quest for spicier foods is neverending. If you find yourself hoarding hot pepper seeds for your garden and concocting your own fiery hot sauces, then you’ve officially graduated from dabbler to full-fledged hobbyist. 

6. Boxing

Boxing is one of the world’s oldest sports. There are 2,000-year-old pictures depicting boxing matches on the walls of Ancient Egypt, but by all accounts, the modern form of boxing evolved from 16th-century prizefights in Great Britain.

These days, boxing is a sport that improves self-confidence and self-awareness, all while honing your mind and body. Crucially, boxing also involves respect for your opponent and for the sport itself, making it an honorable pursuit, and much more than a mere exercise in violence. 

7. Deep-Sea Fishing


Deep-sea fishing for big game offers an extreme thrill that no other form of fishing can match. Imagine a battle stretching for hours with a fish weighing hundreds of pounds, leaving you breathless, bone-tired and, if you’re lucky, victorious. 

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