Health & wellness

Muffin Top: 15 Best Exercises for Love Handles Fat Female

Do you have fat that looks like tires around your waistline? The fat deposits around the waist are also called love handles. Poor eating habits at inappropriate times, alcohol consumption, and junk food are some of the reasons that cause the accumulation of fat. Hormonal changes change the body of women starting puberty, pregnancy, and childbirth, causing love handles. Here is an article that discusses 15 simple and most effective exercises to reduce love handles.


What Are Love Handles?

Don’t get deceived by the name love handles; there is no love in it. Another name for the fat deposits around your hips and waist-line is Love handles. It shows more prominently when you wear body-hugging clothes or traditional wear like sarees or half-sarees. But clothes are not to be blamed. Let us learn more details about the exercises for love handles and how to treat them effectively.

What Causes Love Handles?

Fat retention is an underlying cause of love handles many reasons adding to it. When the food you eat has too many calories, or you don’t burn the calories you accumulate. If you don’t find a solution soon, the fat starts becoming noticeable around the waist and hips, like a tire. Several other factors that cause love handles include:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Fat deposit is typical as you get older.
  • If you are not active physically.
  • Foods that are high in fats, calories, and sugars.
  • Lack of sleep.

15 Easy Exercises for Burning Love Handles Fat in a Week:

Here we enlisted 15 easy and best exercises to lose love handles at home. Let’s have a look into them.

1. Woodchoppers:

Woodchopper is a simple exercise that makes your abs and obliques work overtime. It also strengthens your core promoting good posture, which helps reduce love handles.

How To Do:

  • Stand straight and keep your feet slightly pointed out with shoulder-width apart.
  • Take a stretching device into your hand.
  • Keeping your back straight, pull the stretching device with a twisting motion.
  • Move your hands diagonally up and across your body above the left shoulder.
  • During the whole process, try to keep your arms straight.
  • Use your core muscles to control this movement.
  • Return to the starting point and reverse the twisting, as if you are chopping wood.
  • Do three sets with a repetition of 10 to 15 times on each side.

2. Russian Twists:

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