
When Should You Avoid Exercising During Pregnancy?

Engaging in a physical workout during pregnancy is not only beneficial but also important for the health of both the mother and the child. However certain forms of exercise are not advisable during pregnancy. As they create pressure on the uterus and may prove to be fatal. In this article, we have summarised the types of exercises to avoid during pregnancy along with other important facts related to exercises such as the maximum time one should exercise and when to stop exercising, etc.


Physical changes in a pregnant lady doing regular exercises:

The following are some physical changes a pregnant lady will experience while exercising during pregnancy:

  • Physical exercises prevent gestational diabetes.
  • A lot of pregnancy stress is relieved by doing regular exercises.
  • Exercises build stamina of a pregnant woman which is required during labour
  • Exercises improve posture and relieve from discomforts such as fatigue and backaches.

See More: Pregnancy Workouts First Trimester

Exercises to avoid during pregnancy:

Pregnancy demands to be healthy to have a healthy baby without any defects! Thus one of the means most of the women adapt to be healthy and solve the problems faced during pregnancy is to do exercises. But while you are pregnant, you should know what exercises to avoid when pregnant and here is the list of common 9 exercises to avoid.

1. Jerky Movements, including jumping:

Exercises involving jumping and jerky movements should be strictly avoided during pregnancy. Jumping or jerky movements can be very uncomfortable and create a balancing problem for you and the baby. The extra weight of the baby might get difficult to handle. It can cause harm to you and your baby if any jerky movement is made.

2. Hot Yoga:

Hot yoga is one of the pregnancy exercises to avoid as it can cause serious complications in the unborn baby and extreme cases; it may kill the baby too. Doing hot yoga or exercises in too high temperature may cause your blood to be shunted away from the uterus to your skin as your body tries too cool off and then it can either cause congenital disabilities or may even cause miscarriage.

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