9 Alpha Male Traits – Essential Characteristics of Real Alpha Males
The true distinction lies between individuals who are willing to risk a little pain, a little setback, or a deeper understanding of their own capabilities in order to gain something they truly want for themselves and those who are not.
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6. A Sense of Humor and Humility
If you are able to laugh at yourself first, no one else can lampoon you. Men who are known to be alphas are capable of making light of their mistakes, their shortcomings, and their failures before others and then of moving on to the next moment.
This is because they don’t take themselves too seriously. It all ties back into the difference between self-respect and Ego. A man possessed of true self-respect understands that a misstep isn’t the end of the world and is capable of seeing it in a larger perspective.
Ego hates to be made a fool of and is also incapable of moving past a moment of weakness or insufficiency. Again, this is about perspective. When you act from a place of Ego, you are the most important thing in the room. Your actions assume colossal importance. You are incapable of seeing past yourself to the larger view of life.
7. Persistance
The Alpha Male is persistent. He does not give up and quit things easily, and he is always the last man standing. He will not back up or give in. He is considered the tortoise instead of the hare because he is smart and calculating.
A real man stands by his beliefs and his values and will do whatever is needed to accomplish his goals. His persistence pays off and is a sign of determination and success.
8. Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express your emotions. As an Alpha Male, you have the traits and characteristics that allow you to better handle interpersonal relationships and approach them more judiciously and empathetically.