Lifestyle & relationships

The 16 Best Sex Books for Men To Help You in the Sack

You probably think you know it all when it comes to pleasing women, but I’m here to tell you there is still a lot more for you to learn. No matter how good you think you are or how long you have been at it, you can always get better. When it comes to improving your skills, it isn’t as simple as Googling ‘sex tips,’ although I’m sure plenty of you have tried that. Watching porn also isn’t going to help. The best thing to do is ask your partner, but if you are a little embarrassed, then your next best option is grabbing one of the many sex books for men that are on the market.

Read up on sex and hone your love-making techniques while discovering more things about sex than you ever imagined. Sex books for men are a dime a dozen these days, so to make sure you are reading the good stuff, we have curated a list of some of the best sex books on the market.


Whether you are trying to up your cunnilingus game, figure out some new positions, or discover just what it is that turns your lady on, these books all have something to offer.


Best Buy

1. She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide To Pleasuring Women – Ian Kerner


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As the title suggests, this one is all about getting your lady off. She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide To Pleasuring Women is one of the most popular and revered books about oral sex and how men can keep their partner happy. Author Ian Kerner offers techniques and tips spliced with humor to get his point across. If you need more of a reason to grab a copy of this book, here is what Emily Morse, a doctor of Human Sexuality and the host of the SiriusXM Radio show and podcast, Sex With Emily, told GQ:

“The title says it all. This is always my first recommendation for any guy who has found female sexuality a mystery, because it gives very specific, useful tips for the female anatomy. Trust me, reading this book will definitely change how you view sex and brush you up on your cliteracy.” I’m sold.

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