12 Best Yoga Postures for Stress Relief and Anxiety
12. Standing Forward Bend:
Standing forward bend or Uttanasa is an excellent yoga pose for anxiety and stress relief. It boosts oxygen supply to the brain, which instantly calms down your nerves. The pose also treats mild depression and anxiety disorders. Along with having calming effects on the mind, Uttanasana also strengthens your hips, calves and neck muscles.
How To Do?:
- Stand straight with your legs close to each other
- Inhale deeply
- While exhaling, bend your torso from the hips
- Stretch until your maximum capacity
- Place the palms on the sides of the feet
- Bring the forehead towards your knees
- Taking deep breaths, close your eyes and relax
- Maintain the position for 15-20 seconds
- Slowly get back to the original state
How Many Times To Do?:
You can perform this asana 3 times a day and slowly increase the frequency.
Those are some of the best Yoga poses for stress relief. If you a beginner, we strongly recommend you to speak to an expert before practicing them on your own. If you are suffering from chronic stress, please consult a doctor and seek the right course of treatment.
Disclaimer: The information written in this article is purely for informational and educational purpose(s) only. Do not treat it as an alternative for the advice of a medical practitioner or a health expert. The reader must consult a physician before performing Yoga, as with any physical exercise.
1. Can Yoga Also Treat Depression?
Ans: Yes! There is plenty of evidence to show that Yoga is effective in treating depression and other mental disorders. Yoga comprises self-help techniques to manage stress and anxiety. By combining deep breathing with physical asanas, Yoga reduces stress response in people suffering from physical or mental ailments.
2. How Do I know I have Chronic Stress?
Ans: Chronic stress is a condition where people experience symptoms of stress for a prolonged period of time. It could last for a few weeks to up to a few years. Common signs of chronic stress are frequent headaches, racing heart, sweaty palms, sleeplessness, loss or increased appetite etc.