Health & wellness

14 Different Yoga Poses For Hair Fall Control

Every one of us wishes for long, lustrous and healthy hair. The health of the hair truly reveals the lifestyle we lead and the regime we follow. But with increasing urbanisation we deal with a loss of stress, indulge in junk food, sleep and eat at inappropriate times. All these factors take a toll on our hair resulting in various hair diseases like hair loss, low growth.


In order to combat with the hair loss issues we apply various cosmetic chemical on your hair to get the shine and lustre back. But we often forget that cosmetics can provide us with instant results but temporarily. It’s the inside of us which needs to be healthy for our skin and hair to be healthy.

Yoga is definitely a very safe and powerful remedy. It not only helps in dealing with hair loss problems but also helps in the re growth of lost hair. Incorporating few asanas of yoga in our daily life can prove to be very effective in the long run.

All you need to do is perform yoga for at least half an hour a day and lead yourself to a better and healthier future.

Various Yoga Asanas for Hair Fall Control:

Asanas which involves forward bending works well for hair loss problems as it enhances blood circulation in the crown region. Blood circulation nourishes the roots of the hair and as a result one can observe the changes in the hair growth and reduction of hair loss over a period of one month or so. One should perform these yoga asanas religiously on a daily basis to attain various health related hair benefits. Here are the few yoga poses one must try!!

1. Balayam Yoga Or Rubbing nails:


  • It can be done either sitting or standing as per your will and it can be done at any time of the day.
  • Should be performed for 5-7 minutes at a stretch.
  • The following image shows how to perform it.


  • This can be used for reducing heavy hair fall fastly. It shows instant results in a couple of weeks.

2. Kapalbhati Pranayam :

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