10 Best Yoga Classes in Mumbai For Newbies and Experts
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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:
Q1. What style of Yoga is The Best?
Ans: There is no best or worst in yoga. Yoga has various styles, and you have to find the one that suits you the best. The factors involved are your age, your health, fitness goals, and more importantly, your temperament. Some styles are fast-paced, for rejuvenation. And Some styles are slow-paced, for restoration. Some techniques are meditation-based. Pick what is best for you and start learning. There is no age bar for yoga. Anybody who wishes to learn and persevere can start with yoga. It improves your vitality and helps with ailments like thyroid, blood pressure, etc.
Q2. What are the Pre-requisites to do Yoga?
Ans: None. You can be of any age, shape, height, weight, and you will still be welcome into a yoga classroom. This sort of exercise is naturally adaptive and will help you as it involves physical postures combined with breathing exercises and meditative state of mind, which helps your entire body. Yoga does not restrict anyone. Flexibility is something that is achieved after consistently practicing yoga. You do not have to be flexible to do yoga; you do yoga and get flexible. Yoga will help you lose weight as well!
Q3. Will Yoga Help Me, Detox?
Ans: Yes, yes, and Yes! Yoga has been proven to be relaxing for over centuries. The gentle movements and postures, along with controlled breathing, help you relieve stress and anxiety. The breathing exercises also help to detoxify the body, clean the digestive tract, and keep your stomach happy! Yoga and meditation also help people with mental illnesses and depression. And Yoga helps to channelize your thoughts into something constructive, and you get more control over your mind. Yoga rejuvenates the body and mind. If you have had a stressful week at work, yoga will help you de-stress and recharge your batteries for the next week.