Health & wellness

9 Effective Yoga Asanas To Treat Kidney Stones

People suffering from kidney stones are increasingly becoming common nowadays among all age groups. Women and men, irrespective of their age, are equally prone to this health condition, which can get painful. The yoga asanas for kidney stones will help one treat this predicament naturally and also work towards the overall general well-being of one’s body.

Kidney stones are a painful condition where one experiences sudden sharp and severe pain in the abdomen. This can adversely affect one’s overall health. On the other hand, these yoga poses for kidney stones help to stretch the body effectively and get rid of kidney stones from the body in a healthy manner. Here is how one can achieve this!


What Are Kidney Stones And Reasons:

Kidney stones are nothing but hard mineral and salt deposits that form inside the kidneys. These are mostly caused when the urine contains higher levels of minerals and salts than required levels. The different types of kidney stones are calcium stones, struvite stones, uric acid, and cysteine stones.

Further, kidney stones vary in size and shape from person to person. They can be as small as grains or tiny sand particles; mostly doctors advise to eliminate kidney stones through medications and natural methods. Further, the kidney stones can also be brown or yellow in color depending on the health of one’s kidney. The common reasons for these include blockage in the urinary tract, digestive concerns, obesity, and more.

Can Yoga Cure Kidney Stones?

Yoga in medical terms will not completely cure the condition. Besides medical care, yoga and fitness are recommended, as this yoga to remove kidney stones helps to seek relief from the pain and symptoms and enhances the functioning of the kidney. With regular practice and best results, any small kidney stones can be gotten rid of from the body effectively with yoga.

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