College life

15 Reasons Why Winter is the Best Season of All

Move over, summer: This post will show you 15 reasons why winter is the best season.

You’ve already read the title of this post so you know what’s coming. With a new season approaching, I’m going to make a bold statement: Winter is actually the best season of all. (Sorry, fall.)


And before you tell me I’m wrong in the comments, I understand why you might balk at that statement. I’ve lived in Massachusetts all my life, so I understand alllll the reasons you may not like winter. I’m not ignoring the brutal cold, huge snow drifts, and icy sludge ruining your new suede boots. Those are the realities of winter and I get it.

But I’m still here to tell you that those downsides are worth it — there is so, so, so much to love about the winter season!

Read on to learn why winter is actually something to get excited about. Seriously.

Table of Contents

15 Reasons Why Winter is the Best Season

Winter Fashion

This is a fashion blog so you knew this one was coming. While I love my summer dresses and fall trench coats like everyone, winter fashion is so underrated!

Yes, you do have to wear big coats in a lot of climates, but if you get creative with your layering, you can create some incredibly cute and unique looks. It’s actually a fun challenge if you like to play around with fashion. Plus, you have an excuse to invest in the Aritzia Super Puff coat, which is every Instagram girl’s winter must-have.

Comfort-wise, there is nothing better than big knit sweaters and comfy socks. Plus faux fur everything! And that’s not even to mention the cuteness of the ski fashion aesthetic. Summer who?

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