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Where To Put a Mirror in a Bedroom

Mirrors add a lot of light, dimension, and energy to the bedroom. Although any mirror can add these elements to your room, it’s helpful to consider the types of mirrors available and where you can place them for maximum impact.

Whether you ascribe to Feng Shui or Vastu Shastra principles—or simply want to know which bedroom mirror position interior designers recommend most—the following tips will help you designate the best spots for your bedroom mirrors.


Bedroom Mirror Placement to Maximize Light

A dark bedroom may be a welcome thing when you’re sleeping, but it can be a downer to have a bedroom with little natural light during the daytime. Knowing where to put a mirror in the bedroom can really maximize the available natural light.

If you don’t have to worry about small children or pets knocking it over, lean a large mirror on the wall opposite your bedroom window. Not only will it double the daylight, but it will also make the entire room look larger.

A large full-length mirror is also great for checking your outfit before heading out each day. This Kehl Modern & Contemporary Beveled Beaded Full Length Mirror (shown above) is an excellent combination of vintage and contemporary design. It will expand the light and space in a bedroom, dining room, living room, or hallway.

Although propping a big mirror against the wall is a popular interior design trend, large hanging mirrors are equally useful. Securely anchored, they’re also safer than mirrors propped against a wall.

Tuck small mirrors into your shelf or dresser-top displays. Every little mirror accent adds some degree of light reflection.

Feng Shui Bedroom Mirror Principles

Feng Shui Basics

Feng Shui is a concept birthed from an ancient Chinese poem that speaks about the connection and flow that exists between people and the environment. Feng means “wind” and Shui means “water,” both elements of motion and life.

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