Fashion tips

What Do I Wear There? Study Abroad in Scandinavia


Scandinavian women are very sophisticated and feminine. It’s not about getting attention by showing too much skin. Keep it simple and pretty, and use accessories wisely! Skinny jeans tucked into boots, a t-shirt, a blazer with the sleeves rolled up and a scarf and you’re ready to go to any lecture, lunch or date!


Scandinavia is the home of H&M and you’ll see a lot of girls wearing items from their collections, however, Scandinavian girls manage to maintain a personal style by mixing clothes from H&M with vintage clothes (there are quite a few second-hand shops in Scandinavia) and designer clothing. You’ll especially experience the bags, watches and shoes to be of great quality. You’ll see a lot of girls pairing cute skirts and dresses with a leather jacket and Converse shoes.


Here is a sample outfit that would be typical “edgy” style in Scandinavia:

Product Information: Quilted Purse:, Blazer:, Scarf:, Tee Shirt:, Boots:, Jeans:


Scandinavians love earthy colors. (It is linked to the fact that the weather is gray.) White is almost only worn during the summer–you won’t see people wearing white during winter. Any fashionable color goes, but you will never fail if you wear colors like pale pink, off-white, beige, black, grey or dark blue. These colours are very characteristic of the Scandinavian nature. All you need to do is find your best color!

Clothes for a Night Out

When out at parties, Scandinavians do dress up. Girls wear more makeup, high-heels, dresses and flashy jewelry. You should not wear sneakers to night-clubs, as many clubs don’t allow it. But it all depends on which clubs you’re going to, so make sure you ask some of your Scandinavian friends what kind of a club it is.

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