Fashion tips

What Do I Wear There? Study Abroad in Scandinavia

I’m very excited for this week’s post, as I was lucky enough to get CF reader Milana to contribute a “guest post” since she lives in Denmark. Her advice is AMAZING and we’re so lucky she was generous enough to write for us! Huge thanks to her for all of her hard work–the outfit she created is gorgeous and her street style photos are so inspirational!


Of course, while her advice is definitely reputable since she is giving it from her first-hand experience, the same notes from the past articles still apply.

(In case you missed my previous posts, see What Do I Wear There? Study Abroad, Study Abroad Fashion FAQ, What Do I Wear There? Study Abroad in the UK and Ireland, Study Abroad Fashion in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain and Study Abroad Fashion in China, Israel, and Japan.)

  • All of the information here is taken from advice I have received–it is not a binding set of rules for how to dress in these locations! These are simply some helpful suggestions on what articles of clothing have proved most functional and worthwhile for those who have traveled abroad. However, for this article, it is important to note what is and is not appropriate to wear in these areas, as they tend to be more conservative than what most readers may be used to.
  • Because of the nature of these posts–which are trying to cater to such a large crowd of people going to all different places within each of these countries–I am forced to generalize. However, I do understand that fashion is different not just in the different countries but also in the different regions of each country. Therefore, please feel free to correct me or add more detail in the comments if you think your specific location within these countries follows different fashion “rules” or subscribes to a different way of dressing!

Now, on to Milana’s fabulous advice!

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