
Vitamin Supplements During Pregnancy: What’s Safe and What to Avoid

Vitamins are of utmost necessity in our daily diet, and more so during pregnancy. Apart from vitamins an ideal pregnancy diet should include a healthy amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and essential minerals. During pregnancy, the types of vitamins and nutrition to be had become more specific. For the maintenance of your good health and development of the baby’s health, it is important to have the right vitamin supplements in right dosage on the advice of a health care provider’s direct recommendation.

Supplements of vitamins do not replace a healthy diet, but rather ensures that an expecting woman is receiving enough nutrients daily. They work best when taken as a part of a healthy diet. Vitamins are by no means a substitute for a healthy diet but only an assurance on proper nutrition.


Pregnancy Vitamins List

Prenatal vitamins are those that are consumed during the pregnancy before the baby is delivered. This is a very important phase as this is where the baby’s health should be most to be taken care of. These important vitamins for pregnancy are important to help cover for any nutritional gaps in the mother’s diet. Prenatal vitamins contain many essential vitamins and minerals. They include folic acid, iron, iodine, and calcium among others.

1. Folic Acid or Vitamin B9:

There are certain defects known as neural tube birth defects that may hugely damage the spinal cord and the brain. Folic acid which is a synthetic form of Vitamin B9, prevents these defects from occurring in the new-born baby. Foods containing folic acid include green vegetables, lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits, beans nuts apart from many fortified foods. Along with the natural diets, it is always advisable to take a supplement of folic acid as a backup option.

2. Calcium:

Calcium is one of the most crucial nutrients for pregnant women. Since the baby requires abundance of calcium for its bone growth, there might be a deficiency of calcium in the mother’s body and has to be replenished through proper diet.

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