Tattoos with meaning

What Does Unalome Tattoo Mean?

About the Unalome Meaning

The Unalome is a symbol that represents the path one takes to enlightenment. This is a symbol that signifies an individual’s transcendence on the earth. This symbol is about analyzing what we do on a day to day basis and learn from them, so we can learn how to be more benevolent in this life.

In the Buddhist religion, the Unalome represents a path that a person takes during their existence. The path that one takes can be a winding one. It can have ebbs and flows and one person’s path might be completely different that another person’s path. In fact, it will most likely be much different than the person standing next to you, but this is the point. You learn along the way and the path that you go down will be full of life lessons. You will take this walk until the road clears up and it is straight, and this is supposed to be when you reach that enlightened moment.


In the Unalome, the path begins in the center and represents us being trapped in our own fears and insecurities. We all feel these things as we go through life. Society is sick and leads us to feeling bad about ourselves. As our path unfolds, our journey becomes more clear and our mind finds clarity in these moments and we are eventually freed from the constraints we put on ourselves throughout our lives.

Once you are able to see more clearly, you’ll start to understand that you have a great deal of emotions that are clouding your mind. Because we are human, we have a hard time letting go of the issues that we know are impacting us in a negative way. This inability to let go of the same habits and ideas that hold us down is the idea about the spiral. Performing the same things that hurt us day in and day out. However, there is hope.

Fortunately, the Unalome tattoo can be an everyday reminder to stay on the path and learn from our mistakes. If we are self-aware, we will understand that we do not have it figured out and the path we must take to get to where we want to go is a tough road. The Unalome tattoo reminds us the road is supposed to be rough and we won’t always choose the right way to go. If we stay vigilant, we will eventually get there.

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