
Types of Dance: 21 List of Dance Moves Names with Pics

Dance and human civilization are bonded together since the beginning of the human race. With centuries passing by, Dance has become one of the important tools for recreation, entertainment, health, preserving social interactions, religious ceremonies, and also in celebrating events etc. Dancing also served as a way of expressing human thoughts and emotions and also as a means of communication. These days, people chose dancing for various purposes like continuing the family legacy, improving the physical and mental health, as an occupation etc. With the increasing demand in creativity, dance forms also emerged quickly, and now in the present day, we have different dance forms based on different regions, cultures, religions, etc. Here in this article, we show you different types of popular dances present in the world.


Different Kinds of Dance Styles in the World:

A. Indian Classical Dance(Nritya):

Indian classical Dance or popularly revered as “Shastriya Devesh” in the religious Hindu Musical theatre styles whose scripted theories and practices can be identified from the Sanskrit text Natya Shastra. In Hindu religion, it is believed that Kala Bhairava (Lord Shiva) is considered as the master of Dance and hence he is worshipped as Nataraj. Indian classical dances were performed as a religious art inside the sanctum of the Hindu temple or nearby it. There are 8 recognized Indian classical dances by The Sangeet Natak Academy.

  • Bharatanatyam from Tamil Nadu
  • Kathak from Uttar Pradesh
  • Kathakali from Kerala
  • Kuchipudi from Andhra Pradesh
  • Odissi from Odisha
  • Sattriya from Assam
  • Manipuri from Manipur
  • Mohiniyattam from Kerala

See More: Fashionable Dance T-Shirts

B. African-American Dance:

African-American Dance was started by the black people in America. Before slavery ended in America, many Africans were transported to America as slaves. Soon after the slavery ended, the Africans started to perform their native Dance with a flavor of American moves making it popular as an African-American Dance style. Placing great value on improvisation, these dances are characterized by ongoing change and development. Even today, most of the black Americans perform this style. Some of the famous personalities who performed this dance style are Micheal Jackson and Misty Copeland. Some of the African-American dance styles performed today are

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