College life

The Shy Girl’s Guide to Making Friends in College

The more people you meet, the more potential you have to meet your group of friends. You can even combine some of these people and see if a group of you hit it off. In my mind, the more the merrier! It can also take some of the pressure off of you to always have a topic to talk about as there is a third or even a fourth person who can chime in.

Also, don’t be afraid to send the message first. In the digital age, it can feel frustrating if it seems like you are always the one to reach out or if the other person never replied to your last response. However, you might have to be the one to initiate a conversation and to make the plans. Eventually, it will pay off.


5. It’s okay to be alone

This is one of the most important elements to surviving as a shy girl. You need to accept that for a while you might be alone. This can be so scary, especially if you went from having a lot of friends in high school to knowing no one in college.

Some nights, you might be sitting in your dorm room without plans or you might have to go to the cafeteria by yourself. This is okay, we’ve all been there. It’s important to learn to be comfortable with yourself and your own company. Eventually you will find your group of people.

Being a shy girl in college isn’t easy. Although I have settled in and made some best friends, I also struggle with making friends on a daily basis. I’m trying to become closer to people I’m friends with and still hope to find more friends who I can hang out with.

Making friends takes time and although friendships may seem easy with some people, it may take a lot of work and patience with others. Just remember to be confident and be yourself, and with enough time, you will find your best friends.

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