College life

10 Beginner Tips on Becoming a Minimalist

This article is long overdue since I promised its arrival in the first part of the minimalist series, What It’s Like to Live as a Minimalist and Why You Should Consider It. Although these tips are helpful on their own, if you don’t fully understand what Minimalism is, I suggest you read the first post and come back to these tips later!

As a refresher, the concept of Minimalism is:


To remove all the distracting clutter from one’s life and promoting everything of value and purpose.

Vague, right?…. It’s supposed to be! There isn’t a strict guideline that Minimalists must adhere to. Actually, you’ll realize most aspects of minimalism are quite vague but seem otherwise because of people I call “policers” (people who reinforce singular ways of doing things).

Now that you have the concept, it’s up to you to make up the rules!

Table of Contents

1. Before Getting Started, Visualize Your End Goals

There is so much more to Minimalism than just “getting rid of stuff”. Although minimalism starts out this way for most people, they quickly realize that removing “clutter from one’s life” doesn’t stop at the physical objects.

Of course, these tips will give you insight on how to clear out and clean your space, but I will also give you a couple of tips on doing the same with your psyche.

Before you even think about throwing away things in your apartment, take out a sheet of paper and write down your goals, AKA the things you want to achieve by practicing minimalism. Identify your motivations behind removing distractions from your life.

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