
9 Amazing Benefits of Olive Oil for Your Skin!

Did you know Olive oil has many other uses other than cooking? Yes! Oil extracted from the tree crop of olives is called Olive oil. Many people believe that the health of your skin depends upon the nutrition you intake, and they are right too. But proper skincare routine also plays a vital role in getting a glowing complexion. Olive oil and its benefits for your skin are becoming quite popular as eating olive oil can be good for the skin.


Olive oil is abundant in vitamins and re beneficial for your skin uniquely. Just a few drops of this oil do the job! It can be applied to your skin overnight, and preferably take a patch test to see if you are allergic to it. So check out the article for the benefits of olive oil for your skin and how they help you.

Is It Okay To Use Olive Oil On Your Face?

Applying olive oil to the face can be very beneficial for your face as it is loaded with vitamins. Vitamin E plays a prominent role which protecting your skin from free radicles and is filled with antioxidants. Remember not to use too much olive oil as it can clog your pores, and a few drops are enough to add the glow. Start by olive oil massage for the face once or twice a week to see how your skin reacts so that you can go and apply it regularly.

Benefits Of Olive Oil For Skin:

Here is the list of benefits of applying olive oil to your skin. This oil has many properties that are beneficial for your skin. Go through this article for the benefits of rubbing olive oil on the surface.

1. Rich In Anti-Oxidants:

Olive oil has oleic acid and squalene that provide your skin with the antioxidants like polyphenols that help fight the radicles that tend to progress your ageing process. Our body goes through a natural process of oxidation that produces free radicles that damage our skin. Many pieces of ongoing research prove the clinical applications of Olive oil. The vitamins like K and E make olive oil nutritious and healthy, which affects your skin biologically(1).

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