Food and travel

The Best Vodka Brands for Crafting a Martini

The Vodka Martini is a classic modern cocktail made with vodka, dry vermouth, and olives. It’s a contemporary staple in bar menus that can be adapted for a range of flavors from the dry, salty taste the original is based on.

While the gin martini cleaves to tradition, the vodka version offers variation and individuality in the vodka types used and the additional mixers.


The following article outlines the classic recipe and a few interesting variations before breaking down the best vodka for martini making. If you try these bottles out making cocktails from your home bar, I’m certain you’ll find a new favorite vodka.


The Classic Vodka Martini Recipe

There is more than one interpretation of this vodka cocktail, but it’s best to start with the simple version


  • 1 ounce vodka
  • 1/3 ounce vermouth
  • Ice

Garnish: Lemon peel, olives

Optional: Dill pickle

Equipment: cocktail shaker/mixing glass, chilled cocktail glass, lemon zester


Add vodka, vermouth, and ice to a tall mixing glass or cocktail shaker and stir or shake thoroughly. I’m not interested in the continuing arguments between the value of using a martini shaker or stirring alcohol only cocktails (it seems to get punchy), I’m just happy to drink them.

Strain liquid into a chilled martini glass. Zest with lemon peel and garnish with a lemon twist or olive before serving. Many people don’t like olives, so the optional dill pickle works a treat because it’s all about the salt!


Vodka Martini Variations

Even with a timelessly classic cocktail, some people like to get dirty in crafting the perfect martini. A dirty martini adds olive brine or olive juice to the vodka cocktail to give it an even saltier aspect.

A Gibson cocktail replaces the olive garnish for a cocktail onion, which tastes earthier. If you want to get hectic, a filthy martini recipe adds bleu cheese to the mix (I’m sorry, but that’s where I tap out). There’s also the option to make a chocolate martini that can juxtapose the sweet/bitter bite of cocoa (in the vodka or added) with the salty deliciousness of the olive brine.

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