
Benefits and Adverse Effects of Tea Tree Oil During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a roller coaster ride for not only the mother but the whole family. It is a botanical extract that has antimicrobial properties that can treat acne and athlete’s foot. Though it has benefits, it is necessary to know if it is safe to use tea tree oil during pregnancy. Although it is a herbal product, it might not always be safe. It is still better to be safe since pregnancy is a very gentle and delicate time. This article gives you details about the benefits and adverse effects of tea tree oil during pregnancy.

What Is Tea Tree Oil?

Another name for tea tree oil is melaleuca oil, and it has a fragrance similar to camphor. Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia originated in Queensland, New South Wales, and Australia. The composition of the oil changes when there is an oxidization process due to the exposure to air as it constitutes of many chemicals. It has a color range from pale yellow to colorless.


Is It Safe To Use Tea Tree Oil During Pregnancy?

All that is natural is not always safe. It is best to use tea tree oil by diluting it with another oil as the high concentration of the tea tree oil makes it a bit risky. Since pregnancy involves not one but two lives, it is better if you deal with the situation under a doctor’s guidance. Application externally is considered safe, but it is not at all safe to take tea tree oil orally.

See More: Using Eucalyptus Oil During Pregnancy

Advantages Of Using Tea Tree Oil During Pregnancy:

The herbal oil has several benefits, and some of them are mentioned below:

1. Acne:

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of the tea tree oil make it an excellent choice to treat acne, giving you smooth skin. You can use creams available in the market that have 5% tea tree oil.

2. Oily skin:

If you want to reduce the excess oil on your skin, then the antiseptic properties of tea tree oil make the best solution.

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