
53 Awesome Tattoos On Lips With Ideas, Meaning and Celebrities

  • Kendall Jenner Lip Tattoo Design

Kendall Jenner got herself the word “meow” tattooed inside her lower lip which was done by the famous tattoo artist, Jon Boy.

  • Mindy White Lip Tattoo Design

Mindy White’s first ink is of the term “dadgum” on the center of her bottom lip. “Daggum” is a term that Mindy exercises instead of using any swear words. She explains:

It’s like saying “dang” or “darn.” I don’t like profanity so I try not to use it. “Daggum it” is the same thing as saying “Dang it.” It’s a rather southern term.

Mindy got this tattoo while she was on Warped Tour 2006 so that she could always be reminded of her home. Encouraged by a friend with “sushi” inked in her lip, Mindy first reflected on getting “barbecue” as a eulogy to her Tennessee home. She rather settled on “daggum” to prompt her of her parents.

We were on Warped tour and this guy was giving out free tattoos. I have a friend that has “sushi” with arrows pointing down her throat, and I wanted to get “barbecue.” Which is funny, I’m glad I didn’t because now I’m vegetarian. So I was thinking “what can I get that reminds me of home?” and my parents always say “daggum,” like “dang it,” “daggum it.” So I got that.

  • Meghan Rienks Lip Tattoo Design

Meghan Rienks has a very simple tattoo that speaks, “GTB” on the inner part of the lips which is pretty great.

  • Kesha Lip Tattoo Design

Kesha inked “SUCK IT!” on the center of her lip in June 2012. The inner lip is usually employed for ridiculous tattoos such as these because it’s almost invariably covered, but Kesha revealed hers off in a photo that she posted on her Twitter.

She got the ink as a way of showing off her antagonists. She explained to Conan “I was kind of fed up with all the nasty little bloggers and I was like ‘you know what, suck it.’”

  • Allison Green Lip Tattoo Design

Allison Green’s first design was “5150” inside her lower lip, which she got in January 2011. 5150 is a law in the California state law for an uncontrolled psychiatric clasp, suggesting that a person can be arrested by policemen for evaluation if they profess a threat to themselves or others as a consequence of mental dysfunction. Or in Allison’s own terms, “It means legally insane.”

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