
53 Awesome Tattoos On Lips With Ideas, Meaning and Celebrities

  • Justine Skye Lip Tattoo Design

Justine Skye’s first link was a smiley face on the middle of her lip. She described its importance in an Instagram post: “things you get when you’re 15.. even though it’s pretty crappy, still my fav tat | meaning: no matter how I’m feeling on the outside, something inside is still smiling, lol. pretty weird”

  • Zonnique Pullins Lip Tattoo Design

Zonnique Pullins has a pretty simple tattoo on the inside of her lip that says “King”

  • Miley Cyrus Lip Tattoo Design

Miley Cyrus got an emblem of a yellow weeping cat on her inner lip in March 2014 while on her Bangerz Tour. The ‘sad kitty’ theme first emerged at the 2013 American Music Awards, where she presented her song “Wrecking Ball” in presence of a video of a sobbing cat. Her backdrops for the Bangerz Tour highlighted cats and other creatures which were created by Ren & Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi. “Our whole tour is literally based on animals,” she told MTV. “His art is driving a lot of the tour.”

  • Melissa Marie Green Lip Tattoo Design

Melissa Marie Green’s first design was “I ? $” (I Love Money) on the middle of her lip. She got this tattoo in the summertime of 2009 while Millionaires were on Warped Tour. Because lip tattoos lose their ink and designed easily, Melissa had this tattoo done again in January 2011 while her sibling Allison Green was preparing for her first tattoo, also in her lip.

  • Carah Faye Charnow Lip Tattoo Design

The “PMA” tattoo inside Carah Faye Charnow’s lip persists for “Positive Mental Attitude.” The value of maintaining a PMA is emphasized in the straight-edge culture.

  • Carah Faye Charnow Lip Tattoo Design

Sarah Faye Charnow before also has the term “Childish” inked on the middle of her lip. It has since become lighter and has been substituted with a “PMA” tattoo. She explains: “Tattoo may have faded, but I’m still childish.”

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